SMS-it support forum    

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On Tuesday , the 03.25.2003, MAW Support wrote at 22:24:07 :

>>>command line sending


No, when you use the SendMsg.exe (part of the MSCS) it will buffer the
message internally, so you can submit as many messages as you like.
The main difference between SMS-it and MSCS is that MSCS has an internal
message buffer and sends the messages from there. In MSCS you may do
advanced sheduling of messages, automatically re-send them when the sending
fails, etc.
SMS-it just works on the current message, so you have to wait for the
message to finish sending before you can send the next.
Even when you use SendMsg.exe you should implement a small delay between the
calls to it, to avoid multiple instances to run in paralell.
SendMsg.exe only submits the message to the queue, hence only takes 200-300
ms to run.

Have a good weekend too!


Marc Wanderer

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